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4001 이은수 작성일 : 2011-08-25  

PILA house is a good house and a big house. Good teachers, funny activity and enjoyable class. I like the PILA house, but there are many mosquitoes and ants but I have a very fun stay here. I’m happy but I have to go to Korea.

I like all teachers. Teacher Grace, Teacher Ann, Teacher Lorraine, Teacher Ruby, Teacher DK, Teacher Nikon and Teacher Olivia. But I’ll go back to Korea 1 week from now. My friends are waiting and I want to play with my friends. I like Korea and I want to see my friends, teacher, and family. I want to see them.

Next time I’ll come here again. Teacher! Please reserve a seat for me. Please. For 1week I will study very hard, so I’ll be the first in class and my family will like it. Wow! I’m happy!

PILA, thank you!

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이전글 :  4002 지가연
다음글 :  4012 이지혜