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4004 조형준 작성일 : 2011-08-25  

I’ve been here in PILA since July 22. PILA is very good because there are four teachers here: Teacher Ruby, Teacher Ann, Teacher Lorraine and Teacher Grace. The teachers here are very smart, very good and we also have nice activities. The best activity is Zipline because Zipline is very fun. PILA food is very delicious, because Teacher DK prepared the food. Another good activity is movie watching. The best movie is Harry Potter. It’s very funny. It’s a magical movie. In PILA, I don’t get tired because the activities are very fun. Yesterday, I bought an Angry Bird toy. It’s very cute. I like it.

Next time, I’ll be coming here in the Philippines, I will come back here in PILA. Because PILA is very fun. Everyone should come here in PILA. Bye bye. ~~

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이전글 :  2011~12 필라 겨울방학 캠프 (4001 송석훈)
다음글 :  4003 이승현