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2012 필라 여름방학 캠프 (4005 박진우) 작성일 : 2012-08-17  

When I first arrived in the Philippine Island, it was about 2 o’clock in the morning. So it was very hard to look around because it was dark. However, I saw some small houses which looked very old. I thought that the house that I saw was the poorest, but teacher Hoon said it is a natural situation in Philippines.

There were lots of funny experiences that I had in PILA. First, I met lots of good teachers and friends. Teachers were very kind and they worked hard to teach us. Also students are funny and cute. We played together every day and I will never forget it.

Second, I participated in lots of activities. We went to swimming pools and we did Island hopping. Also I went to the orphanage. Most of all, Villa Teresita was the best. The waterslides were different with which we can slide that is different from Korean swimming pools. They were faster so I loved it!

Third, I have been to SM shopping mall. I was amazed because SM was so big. There are some big department stores in Korea but I felt that SM is much bigger. In addition there were lots of things that I cannot see in Korea. For example, there were white, blue eggs and lots of fruits.

Fourth,   I will be the host for the Summer PILA Camp Farewell Party 2012. My dream is to become an ambassador. So for me, this experience will be a good practice to speak in front of a crowd. I will be speaking in front of the teachers and the students for two hours. It would be exciting because I would be the one who will lead the said event. To wit, I would be very happy watching the people listening to me, speaking in front.

Finally, the hotel was not convenient. There were lots of insects which made me frightened. Mosquitoes made me itchy and ants looked gross.

To conclude, participating in this kind of activity—camp in particular, would really give me an experience that I would never ever forget. Swimming in the pool, going to the mall, visiting the orphanage and Island hopping will never be forgotten. Thank you PILA for this fun and learning experiences I had.


필리핀 호텔에 도착했을 때는 새벽 2시였다. 밤이여서 어두웠고 밖이 보이지 않았지만 작고 초라한 집은 보였다. 훈선생님께 못사는 집인지 물어보았는데, 일반적인 집이라고 하셨다.

필라 캠프에서 가졌던 경험은 많았다. 첫째로, 캠프에서 만났던 선생님과 친구들은 좋았다. 선생님들은 우리를 가르쳐주시기 위해 열정을 쏟아부으시며 최선을 다해주셨고, 친구들은 활발하고 친절했다.

 둘째로, 친구들과 여러 액티비티를 참여한 것이 인상깊었다. 우리는 수영장, 호핑 투어도 갔으며 고아원을 방문한 것도 즐거웠다. 중에서 빌라 테라시타가 최고였다. 워터슬라이드는 우리 나라 슬라이드와는 조금 차이가 있었다. 오히려 속도가 빠른 했고 매우 즐거웠다!

 셋째로, SM쇼핑몰에 갔었다. SM 매우 신기했다. 우리 나라에도 쇼핑몰이 있기는 하지만 SM 같았기 때문이다. 이와 더불어서, 한국에서는 없었던 상품들도 있었다. 대표적으로 흰달걀, 파란 달걀, 신기한 열대과일도 있었다.

 네번째로, 내가 작별파티 호스트를 맞게 되었다. 꿈이 외교관이여서 호스트가 되기에 좋은 경험이 같다. 여러 사람 앞에서 말하는 것은 떨리기도 하지만 많은 사람들이 나의 이야기를 들어준다는 점에서 즐겁기도 하다.

 마지막으로 호텔은 내가 싫어하는 벌레들이 많아서 징그러웠다. 모기들은 간지러웠고 개미는 징그러워보였다.

결론적으로, 필라에서 가진 잊을

작성자    암호    스팸방지
이전글 :  2012 필라 여름방학 캠프 (4007 황남규)
다음글 :  2012 필라 여름방학 캠프 (4004 지가연)