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2012 필라 여름방학 캠프 (4001 오서율) 작성일 : 2012-08-17  

Last July 17th, I arrived in the Philippines. Next day, I took a test. It is a combination of difficult and easy test. I played with my friend her name is Luna. There were seven teachers. I wanted to play games. I have many friends like John, Luna, Mason, James, Bart and Nick. I went to SM.  It was very big and I had lots of fun. I bought food, slipper and eraser. I went to Crocolandia. There were many animals like birds. The bird was very cute and pretty. I had swimming time. T. Hoon took pictures. Swimming is very fun. Today, I study but I do not like to study. Teachers are very kind, handsome and pretty. Luna did not like study too because studying was very tiring. I went to SM and Island Hopping. There were many fishes. They were very fun. I went to orphanage. There were many poor children. I want to go back to orphanage because we played many games and it was very fun.

I call my mom because I miss my mom, dad, brother and sister. I play with Luna, Mason, James, Bart and Nick. I like to play, because I don’t like to study. Today is Friday and Im still studying. And it is very fun. I want to watch movie. I do not like scary movies because it is very scary. On Sunday, I  will go back to Korea . I am very happy. I miss my Teachers. T. giov is very kind and handsome. T. san is very cute, pretty and kind. T. kat is very pretty and kind. T. natz is kind. T. cleo is pretty and kind. T. ruby is pretty and kind. I miss all my teachers.


나는 7 17 새벽에 필리핀에 왔다. 나는 너무 행복했다. 오늘 20 공부를 했다.

나는 공부가 싫다. 왜냐하면 공부는 힘들다.

나는 오늘 SM 갔다. SM 매우크다. 그리고 재밌다.

나는 악어농장에 갔다. 나의 좋은 동물은 새이다. 왜냐하면 새는 귀엽고 이쁘다.

나는 호핑투어에 갔다. 거기에 물고기가 많았다. 물고기는 이쁘다.

나는 물고기를 사랑한다.

나는 낚시터에 갔다. 거기서 삼겹살을 먹었다. 삼겹살 너무 맛있다.

여기 쌤들은 모두 착하시다. 나는 쌤들을 좋아한다.

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이전글 :  2012 필라 여름방학 캠프 (4002 오민수)
다음글 :  2011~12 필라 겨울방학 캠프 & ESL (6003 오단희)