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2011~12 필라 겨울방학 캠프 (6001 이기백, 6002 이민섭) 작성일 : 2012-02-24  

센터에서 2주동안 공부를 더 하다가 한국으로 간 기백이와 민섭이는 후기를 2번 작성했어요.


6주 연수를 마치며 쓴 멋~진 후기를 4주를 마치며 쓴 후기와 비교하면서 보세요.


우리 두 형님들이 얼마나 영어 실력이 늘었나 확인할 수 있답니다. ^^




6001 이기백


PILA English Camp is very good because all the teachers are very kind and good. I enjoyed my time in the camp because all teachers took care of me and all my friends were very funny. First, I went to the Philippines, it was very hot but now I adapt here. First activity, we went to Crocolandia, there were too many crocodiles. It was not scary because they weren’t moving. Second activity, Nalusuan Island, we have island hopping. We enjoyed snorkeling and we ate Filipino foods together. I like the color of the water, it looks like emerald. Third activity, we had a city tour. We went to Santo Niño, Magellan’s Cross and Fort San Pedro. But in every activity, we went to SM, it is very big and we can buy many things. I bought many slippers and presents for my family, teachers and friends. Then our camp ended with a farewell party. I was singing and dancing with Jack and Daniel. I gave presents to the teachers and I got presents from them too. Then my friends went back to Korea and I missed my teachers in the camp. After that, I stayed in PILA House and met other new teachers. They were kind, active and good. In the weekend, we went to zip line and it was very funny. I also experienced earthquake here in the Philippines. I was scared but it was exciting because it’s my first time. In my last weekend here in the Philippines, We supposed to go to Crown Regency but it was raining so we just went to SM. We watched the movie “Journey 2”. I bought presents for my teachers in PILA House in the evening. That night, we went to a restaurant and we ate steak and it was delicious!




6002 이민섭


We arrived here in the Philippines on January 4th. It was very, very hot, wet and feel heavy, so I couldn’t breathe well. But now, I can breathe well because I adapted here in the Philippines! I was happy but scared because I didn’t have self-confidence and I have to meet new people so I was excited too. I met my new English teachers. They were kind so I thought I can live well!

I had fun in Hilltop Hotel because our English teachers were kind and funny, my PILA friends were funny too. So I can live well. My first experience here in Philippines was that we went to Crocolandia and SM. It was very tired but I had fun in Crocolandia. SM was very big that I couldn’t remember each corner. We went to hopping; it was very fun and good. We saw many fishes. We went to San Pedro Fort, Santo Niño and Magellan’s Cross. It was very big and grandious! Zip line was very fun and the movie was good!

Our teachers are good in Hilltop Hotel. There are 5 teachers, Teacher Arlene, Teacher Josephine, Teacher Irish, Teacher Juvelyn and Teacher Yvess. Teacher Arlene always laughs so I like her. Teacher Josephine is a chic not sick! Teacher Yvess is cute and the only man! Teacher Irish is very funny and Teacher Juvelyn is kind. In Mr. Hoon’s house, there are 4 teachers, Teacher Ruby, Teacher Ahnne, Teacher Rica and Teacher Natz. Teacher Ruby is very funny. Teacher Ahnne’s explaining is good for understanding. Teacher Rica is silent but she likes to talk. And Teacher Natz is good and kind. I had Korean teacher’s too, Teacher Hoon, Teacher Olivia and Teacher Daria. Teacher Hoon is the only man, Teacher Olivia is kind and Teacher Daria is good and looks like a rabbit. I will miss them all!

I studied here in 6 weeks and I like here, I will miss here in the Philippines!





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이전글 :  2011~12 필라 겨울방학 캠프 & ESL (6003 오단희)
다음글 :  2011~12 필라 겨울방학 캠프 (6003 오단희)