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선쭈~~! 작성일 : 2012-01-28  
I was really surprised with your letter in English.
I thought I was supposed to write you in English just like you.
You keep talking about puppies. I would like you to stop telling me to buy one.
I told you that I would buy you a puppy when the time came.
Let me check whether you get ready to have one .
If you buy one, you have to be responsible for everything with the dog.
And also you need to study at the same time as well as taking care of the dog.
Whenever I asked you to do something, you were annoyed with what I said in Korea.
I didn't ask you to do something for me, but I did for yourself.
I hope you to change your attitude before asking for a puppy.
Don't forget that what you want to do always comes after great responsibility.
Talk on the phone soon~~!^^  

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